unmet emotional needs
unmet emotional needs - image by pexels-mikhail-nilov

Why you must understand your own unmet emotional needs

active listening
image by Pexels-mart productions

Are you aware of your unmet emotional needs? Do you find it difficult to express your emotional needs to your significant other?

Unmet emotional needs can be a challenge for many people in any kind of relationship.

Prioritizing each other’s needs and well-being is crucial in any relationship, however, many of us find it difficult to recognise and express our own emotional needs, which can cause us to feel resentful, distant, and unsatisfied.

In this article, we’ll look at why it’s so important to understand and meet your own emotional needs, and how to resolve this first before meeting others’ demands.

The article provides practical tips and strategies for identifying, communicating, and addressing your needs in a healthy and productive manner, assisting you in developing a stronger emotional bond and establishing a happy, lasting relationship.

It’s worth noting that, whilst this article tends to be biased towards romantic relationships, the strategies discussed here can be applied to any interpersonal relationship, for example friendship.

Effectively, you can replace the word “partner” with “friend” and you’re good to go.

First, let’s do an introspection.

Signs of unmet emotional needs

Unmet emotional needs can cause distance, resentment, and even conflict between you and people around you.

Feeling alone, unheard, or unimportant are a few indications that you may not be meeting your emotional needs.

For example, if you constantly feel as if your partner or friend isn’t listening to you or understanding your feelings, this could be an indication that your emotional needs aren’t being met.

You could attempt scheduling a calm and honest conversation with your partner about your needs and feelings as a self-help measure, but you would need to identify your needs first.

How to identify your unmet emotional needs and communicate them to your partner

The first step in addressing your unmet emotional needs in your relationship is to recognise them. Understanding and meeting your emotional needs is a continuous process.

As you work to comprehend your emotions and what you require to feel fulfilled and happy, be patient with, and kind to yourself.

We all have different circumstances. Perhaps the following list can help you identify your unmet emotional needs.

  • Reflect on your feelings
  • Look for patterns
  • Consider your past experiences
  • Pay attention to your physical sensations
  • Seek support

Reflect on your feelings

Begin by taking some time to think about your emotions. Take note of when you are happy, sad, angry, or frustrated. Consider why you are feeling this way and what may be contributing to your feelings.

Look for patterns

Try to spot any patterns as you consider your feelings. Do certain circumstances or people tend to make you feel a certain way repeatedly? Do you ever feel particularly emotionally drained or unfulfilled?

Consider your past experiences

Take into account your relationships and past experiences. Have you ever felt content and fulfilled on the inside? What makes those experiences unique compared to your current situation?

In the same token, you can consider past negative experiences and check the similarities with current situation.

Pay attention to your physical sensations

We can learn a lot about our emotional needs from our bodies. Pay attention to any physical aches or pains, such as tension or fatigue. These might indicate that your emotional needs aren’t being met.

Seek support

It can be difficult to identify our own emotional needs at times. Consider speaking with a therapist, coach, or a trusted friend or relative.

They can assist you in meeting your emotional needs while also identifying patterns.

Watch this video on how to communicate your unmet needs in a relationship

What are the consequences of unmet emotional needs?

When emotional needs are not met, negative outcomes such as increased stress, anxiety, and depression can occur.

For example, if you are constantly feeling neglected or unimportant, this can lead to feelings of rejection or isolation, and eventually distance between you and your partner.

You can avoid this by discussing your demands with your friend and coming up with solutions to meet them.

This can entail making time for meaningful interactions, engaging in active listening, and putting forth an effort to express gratitude and affection for one another.

Why ignoring your unmet emotional needs can lead to resentment and distance

When your emotional needs are not met, ignoring your situation can breed anger and distance as a result of the lack of communication, the impression of being abandoned, and the loss of closeness that results.

A sense of dissatisfaction and frustration

You may feel unfulfilled, unsupported, or misunderstood if your emotional needs are not met.

This dissatisfaction and frustration can accumulate over time, leading to resentment towards the people or situations that you perceive to be the source of these feelings.

Lack of communication

Others might not even be aware that they are not satisfying your emotional requirements if you don’t let them know.

Because they might not comprehend why you’re feeling the way you are, this might cause misunderstandings and a sense of distance between you and them.

Feeling unsupported

You could start to feel alone and unsupported if your emotional needs aren’t satisfied on a regular basis.

As a result, you could start to feel distant from those around you because you think they don’t understand or care about your requirements.

Loss of intimacy

It can be difficult to maintain closeness and connection when your emotional needs are not being addressed, which can cause you and your partner to grow apart.

The role of empathy in understanding your own unmet emotional needs

Empathy plays a crucial role in meeting each other’s emotional needs.

When you are able to empathise with you partner’s feelings and needs, it creates a sense of connection and understanding. How about self-empathy?

Self-empathy is the capacity to comprehend and relate to your own needs and feelings in a kind and impartial manner.

It entails treating yourself with the same compassion and tolerance that you would show to a close friend or family member who is going through a difficult time.

By enabling you to relate to your own emotions and experiences in a more forgiving and non-judgemental way, empathy can help you comprehend your own unmet emotional needs.

When you have empathy for yourself, you are able to identify and attend to your own needs and emotions without feeling guilty or ashamed.

How to practice self-empathy to identify your unmet emotions

Self-empathy can be challenging to practise, especially if you have a history of self-judgment or self-criticism.

Start by identifying and naming your emotions to assist you in becoming more conscious of your emotions and any potential emotional needs you may have.

For instance, If you’re feeling strongly anxious, you could tell yourself, “I’m feeling really anxious right now.” In so doing, you will be naming and acknowledging your emotion.

Once you are aware of the emotion, your task will be to identify the need behind the emotion. Find the fundamental need that isn’t being met.

For instance, if you are experiencing anxiety, you might realise that you require additional encouragement or validation.

Repeat the above process for other strong emotions you may be feeling.

You may want to keep an emotional journal to track your emotions and as a reference for your progress and communicating your needs to your significant other.

You can learn to connect with your own feelings and needs in a compassionate and supportive manner by practising self-empathy.

This can lead to increased self-awareness, self-esteem, and a general sense of well-being.

How do you fulfill unmet emotional needs?

Fulfilling your own emotional needs

Now that you have identified your unmet needs, how do you fulfill them?

Following up on the above example where you found out that your anxiety is rooted in your unmet need for validation, you may want to take a few practical steps to fulfil your unmet need.

Set yourself realistic goals – When you set and achieve goals for yourself, you give yourself a sense of accomplishment and validation.

Make sure the goals you set are realistic and attainable so that you can feel proud and validated when you achieve them.

Acknowledge your accomplishments – No matter how insignificant they may seem, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements.

This can be as easy as taking a moment to think back on your successes or telling a friend or loved one about your accomplishments.

Practice positive self-talk – Use encouraging self-talk to dispel negative thoughts that arise when you start to doubt your skills or your value.

Focus on the good parts of your life and remind yourself of your successes and strengths.

Surround yourself with supportive people – Make an effort to connect with people who are upbeat and supportive.

Spend time with individuals who encourage you and who are supportive of your accomplishments and strengths.

Fulfilling each other’s emotional needs

In order to resolve any unmet emotional needs in your relationship, you must work together to identify solutions.

This could entail formulating a strategy or establishing precise objectives for addressing each other’s needs.

Keep in mind that it takes time, effort, and conversation to resolve unmet needs in a relationship.

Here are some strategies to assist you in addressing your emotional unmet needs. These approaches are not all-inclusive and might not be effective for everyone.

Find what works for you and your partner and be open and honest in your communication about your emotional needs. Always leave room for compromise as well.

  • Identify and communicate your emotional needs
  • Use “I” statements when communicating your emotional needs
  • Practice active listening when your partner communicates their emotional needs to you
  • Work together to find solutions once you have identified each other’s emotional needs
  • Make time for self-care
  • Seek professional help if you’re having trouble addressing unmet emotional needs
StrategiesPractical Examples
Identify and communicate your emotional needs“I’d be grateful if we could set aside some time each week to spend together without interruptions.”
Use “I” statements“Sometimes I feel like I’m not being heard, so it would mean a lot to me if you would pay attention to what I have to say.”
Practice active listening“I’m aware of what you’re saying and how significant it is to you..”
Work together to find solutions“We need to decide when we want to be physically affectionate and when we want to be alone.”
Seek professional help“Perhaps we should consult with a couples therapist to help us work through this problem..”
Make time for self-care“I’m going to go for a walk to clear my head and prioritize my own self-care.”
strategies with practical examples for addressing unmet emotional needs in a relationship

See more strategies and practical examples for emotional connection here.

How to work with your partner to create a plan for meeting each other’s emotional needs

Armed with the strategies, we can now figure out how you and your partner can create and execute a plan for meeting each other’s emotional needs.

Creating a plan for meeting each other’s emotional needs can help prevent misunderstandings and improve communication in your relationship.

This could involve setting specific goals or boundaries, such as scheduling regular date nights or setting aside time for self-care activities.

It’s important to be open and flexible when creating a plan, and to actively listen to your partner’s concerns and feedback.

The plan

1. Set aside dedicated time

Pick a time and location where you can speak to your partner honestly and openly without interruptions.

Make sure that neither of you feels rushed so that you can talk about the other’s emotional needs in sufficient time.

2. Share your emotional needs

Tell your partner about your emotional needs first. Use “I” statements instead of accusatory or blaming language.

For instance, Rather than say “You’re always at work, and don’t care about me”. Try, “I feel abandoned sometimes, and I’d like to spend more time with you.”

3. Listen to your partner’s emotional needs

Allow your partner the time and space to express their needs. Be sure to acknowledge their feelings while actively listening.

4. Find solutions that work for both of you

Together, brainstorm ideas and find solutions that benefit both of you. Try to find compromises that gratify both of your emotional needs while remaining open-minded and flexible.

You could reach a compromise, for instance, by designating specific times for physical touch and other times for alone time, if say your partner needs more physical touch and you need more space.


5. Implement the plan

After you’ve established your plan, make sure to follow it to the letter (not necessarily rigid).

It is critical to hold each other accountable, and you should make an effort to meet each other’s emotional needs.

6. Revisit the plan as needed

Your emotional needs might change as your relationship progresses. It’s crucial to periodically review the plan, and update it as necessary.

How to effectively communicate with your partner will help you improve your communication, to work with your partner, and to create a solid plan for meeting each other’s emotional needs.

The importance of self-care in addressing unmet emotional needs

Self-care is essential in addressing unmet emotional needs, as it allows you to take care of yourself and your own needs, while also supporting your partner.

For instance, scheduling time for self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or socialising with friends can help you feel more balanced and content if you are feeling burdened or stressed.

Setting limits and being open about your needs and limitations can also help avoid resentment and burnout.

How therapy can help address unmet emotional needs

Couples therapy can be a helpful tool for addressing unmet emotional needs because it offers a secure, unbiased setting for you to work through issues and communicate effectively.

A therapist can help you identify your individual emotional needs and provide tools and strategies for meeting them.

Additionally, therapy can help you develop empathy, improve communication, and strengthen your emotional bond.

Related topic ===> DO NOT go for therapy or counseling before you see this!


When addressing unmet emotional needs, you can begin by reflecting on your feelings and looking for patterns, thinking about past experiences, paying attention to physical sensations, and seeking support to identify your unmet emotional needs.

Take some time to notice your emotions and what might be causing them, identifying patterns and situations that make you feel a certain way on a consistent basis.

Consider previous times when you felt emotionally fulfilled and satisfied, and pay attention to any physical sensations that could indicate unmet emotional needs.

In conclusion, the most important lesson is that, while it is critical that you understand your own unmet emotional needs first, addressing unmet emotional needs is essential for creating and upholding a fulfilling and healthy relationship.

You can work together to strengthen your emotional connection and create a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship by practising effective communication, exercising empathy and understanding, and placing a high priority on self-care.


Marshall B. Rosenberg PhD, (2015) Nonviolent Communication: A language of life. 3rd edn. Puddle Dancer press

Gary Chapman, Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse, (2015) The 5 love languages: The secret to love that lasts. First edn. Moody Press

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