
Welcome To Relationships Warrior Site

About Relationships Warrior Site

Welcome to where the intent is to talk everything relationships. This is quiet a big commitment, BUT as long as it’s an intent, the Warrior endeavours to commit and deliver. Let’s keep it that way…


To undertake study on themes of interest and to learn and share any knowledge that encourages self-help and can help site visitors understand potential relationship issues and how to address them in order to create and maintain a healthy, pleasant relationship.

Site Scope

While focusing on interpersonal relationships, this site is generic, freestyle and limitless.

About The Warrior

The Warrior is a free-spirited person who has completed a long course of study at “the school of life” with all the necessary experience, accolades, and scars—lots of scars. The scar from the most serious injury (divorce) is what finally inspired the Warrior to become passionate about relationshipswarrior website.

You might ask what you can possibly learn from someone whose marriage ended after 26 years. It has indeed been that long, and this is a situation where long-term learning is crucial. The Warrior replies, “That’s a good question, and the answer is yes, you can definitely learn a thing or two.”

The Warrior won’t go into specifics about the experience or how the marriage ended up disintegrating, but for the most part, in addition to research, the Warrior’s articles will be a reflection of real experience.

In my previous relationship, I made mistakes, admitted them, learned from them, made concessions, yelled, listened, sobbed, experienced depression, went for mediation, counselling, and therapy sessions, but we had to break up eventually. Yes, we could both have done things better. However, where there is a lack of honesty, intimacy, loyalty, respect, reciprocity, or forgiveness; but more of neglect, violence, indifference and contempt, the chances of connection and marriage survival are slim. Despite the fact that my marriage collapsed, I am still standing and working as a Warrior to help as many people as possible to the best of my ability, while also advancing my new relationship. Peace!

The Warrior

Site Introduction

Definition of relationships

The very definition of “relationship” seems to be inadequate or ambiguous, but that is because there are so many different types of relationships. It can generally be agreed however, that relationships refers to;

the way two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected

Oxford Languages and Google

Relationships Warrior will focus on a relationship being interpersonal or any kind of connection or association between people, whether intimate, platonic, positive, or negative. 

While positive or negative connections maybe easily understood, platonic relationships concerns;

…Rising through levels of closeness to wisdom and true beauty, from carnal attraction to individual bodies to attraction to souls, and eventually, union with the truth.”


Most people understand this to mean “sexless love” connection.

On the other hand, intimacy and sex are frequently mistakenly used interchangeably. Intimacy can exist in a sexless relationship, though. Similarly, a sexual relationship might exist even when there is no closeness.

Thus far, the Warrior endeavours to concentrate on healthy relationship tips with respect to relationship struggles that concerns the four basic types of relationships, in no particular order being: 

  1. Family relationships
  2. Friendships
  3. Acquaintanceships
  4. Romantic relationships.

However, note that the bulk of information and tips, will be inclined towards romantic relationship. Talking of healthy relationship, amongst other qualities, here are 4 qualities of a good relationship.

DISCLAIMER: Relationshipswarrior is NOT a relationships coach/advisor or a health professional. As such, this site is for information only, and is NOT intended as a substitute for relationship therapy or medical advice of a Health professional. If you are experiencing problems with your relationship or health, it is always best to follow the advice of a relationship therapist/counselor or medical professional as the case may be.

Topics to be covered

Each couple is different, therefore what works for one couple may not work for another, even if relationship problems are practically identical for every couple and may be handled with the same techniques. To resolve particular problems in a relationship, it is usually advisable to get expert assistance as soon as possible.

The Warrior endeavors to cover the following topics in depth. These are critical to understanding the possible causes of common problems in a relationship and possible solutions to forge and maintain healthy relationships.

#1 Communication difficulties:

You may struggle to effectively express your thoughts and feelings to one another or to actively and kindly listen to each other. By developing effective communication techniques like active listening, speaking clearly, and avoiding blame and criticism, you can find a solution to this issue.

Poor communication is one such fundamental factor that can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of emotional connection, ultimately leading to destructive contemptuous behaviour. Infact, most signs of contempt in a relationship are due to poor communication.

 relationships need trust
relationships need trust

#2 Trust issues:

Every relationship must start with trust, which can be challenging to restore after it has been betrayed. Because of dishonesty, deception, or a history of broken trust, you may experience trust issues. You can attempt to fix this problem by acting with honesty, transparency, and consistency.

If you and your partner are unable to trust one another or if one of you is dishonest, the need for trust and honesty may not be met. This unfulfilled need may lead to emotions of uneasiness and loss of faith in your partnership. Trust and honesty are among the most common unmet needs in a relationship.

#3 Anger and conflict management:

Even though anger is a normal emotion, when it is excessive, it can strain relationships. Due to unresolved issues from the past, inadequate communication, or other underlying issues, you may experience difficulty managing your anger. You can work on improving your communication, creating clear boundaries, and asking for help when necessary to address anger issues.

#4 Jealousy:

Although it is a normal emotion, excessive jealousy can damage a relationship. Due to insecurity, a lack of trust, or a history of adultery, you may experience jealousy issues. You can work on enhancing your trust in one another, improving your communication, and addressing the underlying problems that are causing the jealousy to help solve this problem.

#5 Intimacy problems:

Intimacy in a relationship can refer to both emotional and physical closeness. Due to a lack of emotional chemistry, poor communication, or unresolved issues from the past, you may struggle with intimacy. You can work on developing physical intimacy by spending quality time together and emotional intimacy by talking about your feelings and thoughts.

#6 Infidelity:

One of the most destructive things that can happen in a relationship is infidelity, which can give rise to feelings of betrayal, rage, and hurt. You can work to fix this problem by reestablishing trust, showing forgiveness, and comprehending the underlying causes of the infidelity.

One of the examples of contempt in a relationship is engaging in physical or emotional affairs outside the relationship.

#7 Financial conflict:

Conflicts over spending and saving, as well as difficulties managing finances, are frequent sources of conflict in relationships. You can work on establishing financial priorities, making a budget, and setting financial goals to address this issue.

#8 Parenting disagreements:

One of the most difficult aspects of a relationship can be parenting; you may struggle with disagreements over discipline, parenting methods, or other issues. You can work on establishing parenting goals, talking about your parenting philosophies, and getting support when necessary to resolve this issue.

#9 Domestic violence:

Any type of physical, emotional, or psychological abuse in a relationship is referred to as domestic violence. You may experience domestic violence as a result of underlying problems like poor anger control, unresolved issues from the past, or poor communication. You can work together to find a solution to this problem by seeking support from a domestic violence organisation as well as a therapist or counsellor.

#10 Power imbalances:

Uneven power distribution in a relationship is referred to as a power imbalance. Lack of communication, unresolved issues from the past, or a lack of understanding can all contribute to power imbalances in a relationship. You can work to improve communication, understand one another’s needs, and ask for assistance when necessary to resolve this issue.

#11 Lack of mutual respect:

Respect is a crucial component of any relationship, but it can be difficult for you to show each other respect when there is poor communication, unresolved conflict from the past, or a lack of understanding.

You can work on enhancing communication, understanding each other’s needs, and seeking support when necessary to address this issue. However, it is important to understand your own unmet needs before you can expect your partner to meet them.

The Warrior will discuss the foregoing topics and many more as evolves.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

Vince Lombardi

While this site is focused on relationships, we cannot ignore the fact that this is a huge subject area that will never be addressed by any one website, as such, this site will evolve all the time. Whilst a lot of partnerships encounter relationship problems now and then, the information provided here is meant to help you with solutions to manage the space between you and your partner.

To emphasise the disclaimer, I wish to make it clear that I’m not a Mediator, Counsellor, Therapist or Medical Professional, but share the knowledge through research and personal experience. I’m however working towards a qualification in Relationship Counselling.

Enjoy the space between!

Relationships Warrior